Friday, May 6, 2011

Thing 15 Managing RSS

Just the other day I was thinking...Gee, I should probably go back and check my Delicious account to see what's new.  I just went back and I had 911 unread items!  I knew this was not for me.  I am not one that has the time to sit at my computer for any length of time during the day.  I have a classroom full of energetic first graders at school and at 4:15 I run home to be with my energetic 3 and 1 year old sons.  By the time I get them in bed, I need to catch up on household chores and spend a little time with my husband and then...I am exhausted from the day.  I do see how beneficial this can be and even a bit addictive.  If I had the time I would really enjoy it.  Of the 911 items, I quickly and easily scanned a few and got some great tips and ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I abandoned my Google Reader because everytime I check it, there were way too many new items. You don't have to check everything, of course, but it can seem overwhelming.

    You already have a lot going on, and it's good that you've prioritized your time. So much of this technology is intended to make our lives easier,so why does it feel like one more chore at the end of a busy day?
